Tips to Optimize the Homepage of your Online Store

Tips to Optimize the Homepage of your Online Store

Thu Jun 18, 2020
Tips to Optimize the Homepage of your Online Store

The homepage is the main webpage of all websites. It is a default page for a website which loads when a user visits the website. The homepage represents the website. Therefore, the home should be attractive to force users to explore the website. If you have an e-commerce website, you should optimize your homepage to generate more sales. In this blog, we will discuss some important tips that you should take care of while optimizing your online store.

If you are looking for digital marketing services or website designing services, you can contact Webpulse Solution Pvt. Ltd.


UX stands for User’s Experience. It is the most important factor which should be taken care of while optimizing the home page of an online store. In a simple language, Users’ Experience is the response of the user about a particular product, system, or service.


If you want to increase the traffic on your website, you should use a great UX. What are the factors on which a UX depends? Let’s see.

Mobile-Friendly Website Design

Have you ever tried to load an e-commerce website on the browser of your mobile? The interface of these websites is different for the mobile version. Desktop version for e-commerce websites are hectic on mobile phones. Therefore, you should either make your website mobile-friendly or develop an app.

Excellent Photography

Images are the heart of e-commerce websites. None of the products can be sold without images. Therefore, you should use high-quality images for your products on your e-commerce website.

Product Description

Do you like to buy a product without reading its specifications? Obviously not. Therefore, you should write a detailed description of the products in order to enhance the UX. For this, you can hire a freelance content writer or take online writing services from any of the leading digital marketing companies. If you want, you can take services from us, Webpulse Solution Pvt Ltd. We are the award-winning website designing companies in Multan.

Meta Title Tag

A title tag is a type of php element that specifies a web page title. Title tags are displayed on the SERPs (Search Engine Result Page). These title tags are important from the SEO perspective. Title tags help search engines rank the page. A keyword-optimized title tag helps improve the page visibility on SERPs.

Images Optimization

Image optimization is one of the most important points which you should consider while optimizing your e-commerce website. Let’s see what points you should take care of while optimizing the images.

Image Quality

Do not compromise the quality of the images on your e-commerce store. Always upload the high definition images of the products. The benefit of uploading the HD images is that the product image will not be blurred on expanding. Hence, HD images let users have a close look at the products.

Image Filename

The name of the image plays an important role in SEO optimization. Always name your images of the products related to the keywords. Do not use space between the keywords, as it interrupts the SEO rating. Always separate the keywords by using a hyphen or an underscore.

Compress Images

Uploading high definition images of the products is necessary. But it may slow down the loading speed of the webpage. If the loading time of a website is more, it affects negatively on the SEO rating. So, what is the solution? Image compression is the solution. Upload the images after compressing them. There are many free tools available which compress the images without altering the quality of the images.

Showing Timely Products and Content

Optimize your homepage such that there is no outdated content. Let's understand it with the help of an example. You visit a website on the occasion of Diwali to get the best deals and offers on the products. But the website is showing the offseason products like Holi colours, etc. Would you like to stay on that website? Absolutely not. You should update the content on your website and remove all the outdated products. What if you do not remove the outdated content on your website? What is the impact of this on your sales? Showing off seasoned or outdated products on your websites impact negatively on your sales. This is because the users will not like to visit your website again due to which your website will lose organic traffic. When traffic starts decreasing, conversion rates will automatically go down.

Product Recommendations

When you visit e-commerce websites like Amazon, Flipkart, Snapdeal, etc. again after your first visit, have you ever noticed that these websites show you products as per your taste? This is a type of Artificial Intelligence installed on these websites. These websites track the nature of the customer on his first visit. After that these websites start showing the product recommendations based on the products he searched before. These recommendations are as per the taste of the customer and force him to click on them and make a purchase.

These recommendations are very useful in increasing sales. If you want to increase your sales, you should optimize your website so they show the correct product recommendations to the customers.

SSL Certification

SSL Certification is the most important factor that you should consider while optimizing your website. An e-commerce website should have SSL certification. What is an SSL certification? SSL stands for Secure Sockets Layer. Have you ever noticed the address bar of the website on which you visit? Some websites have a green coloured lock symbol on their address bar, some websites have a grey coloured lock symbol. What do these symbols indicate? These lock symbols indicate the establishment of an encrypted link between a web browser and a web server. If a document is encrypted, it means that the data is protected from the theft of hackers. E-commerce websites are more prone to hacking attacks. This is because when a customer does the online payment on e-commerce websites, hackers may steal passwords. If the website has SSL certification, all the passwords entered by the customers are hidden by the hackers. Therefore, SSL websites are more secure than that of the websites with no SSL certification.

You should not ignore SSL certification while optimizing your e-commerce website if you want to offer a secure payment gateway for your customers.

Webpulse Solution Pvt Ltd is one of the leading e-commerce website designing company in Multan. The firm offers various services like website designing services, SEO services, content marketing services, etc.

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